Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Adam Ashourzadeh

Mr. Daszenski

English 11R


DoaS Project Reflection

“OH MY GOD BOBBY! Get to my house right NOW!” Kristina screeched at a glass breaking tone.

“Dude relax, we’ll get it done. Stop bugging out Kristina,” Bobby answered in his usual relaxed, nonchalant voice

“Alright guys everyone go to Kristina’s house so we can play some video games with her sister and drive her dad’s ill Ferrari,” I said.

“Aright I’m down for that,” Garfinkel answered half asleep (it was about 1:30 PM).

“Be here at 2 o’clock,” Kristina demanded.

“Yes ma’am,” Garfinkel, Bobby and I answered simultaneously.

I guess that’s why we decided to have a girl in our group. If it were just Bobby, Garf, and me we probably wouldn’t have finished the project in time. I probably wouldn’t be writing this reflection and instead I’d be doing my project. At the same time working with Kristina was a bit of a hassle. You know how girls are, just flat out annoying but it’s all right; I worked outside my comfort zone and succeeded in making a nice project productively with a good group.

It took us quite a while to decide what we were going to do for our project. Our idea wasn’t a tough decision; we all agreed on that right away. Modern tragedy seemed to be the right concept to go with. We had a wide variety of project ideas from montages, to long free verse poems. In order to satiate everyone, I brought up the idea of a slideshow with a couple of poems incorporated in it. Everyone agreed with the idea and we finally got going with the project (a couple of weeks after).

We were planning on finishing our project Christmas break, however plans often go astray. We did nothing. Everyone was just way too lazy to get up out of bed and do work. Garf and I were hanging out over the break and I asked him “Yo you wanna start the English project?” Garf, being the lazy man that he is, replied, “I hope you’re kidding. You must be out of your mind. They don’t call it a VACATION for no reason.”

Loman and Sons finally got rolling the weekend following Christmas break. We all met at Kristina’s palace and split the project and gave each person a certain role. Since Bobby is a great poet, we put him responsible for brainstorming and writing a rough draft of a free verse poem on modern tragedy. It was Garf’s job to help Bobby write his free verse and to write a sonnet of his own as well. Kristina and I were going to do the majority of the PowerPoint part of the project.

I am very good with computers including using PowerPoint. One thing that I am not good at with computers is editing pictures. Throughout the PowerPoint we were editing and cropping pictures and making them black and white. I never knew how to use IPhoto or any other photo program. Kristina taught me how to work with it and get comfortable with it. At one point I was getting so frustrated because I didn’t understand how to crop one photo; it got to the point where I seemed like a pernicious animal.

After a long day, we all finished our assignments and edited the whole project as a group. Surprisingly, I thought it looked really good (Kristina thought it was terrible, but she’s like that with everything that has to do with school). Bobby’s poem seemed like it was an instant classic, and Garf’s wasn’t that bad either. To be honest I was just glad we were finished.

Overall, I think our project was a success. It gets the point of the modern tragedy across very well. It very thoroughly explains the idea of a modern tragedy and how each aspect of a modern tragedy applies to Willy. The next time I’m asked to work in a group I think I would make a video. Videos always are a lot of fun to make with a group. There’s a lot of room to joke around and editing is very fun as well.

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