Sunday, November 29, 2009



Little pieces scatter

Adrenaline rush

Overtaking the emotion of the



Feeling faint

Feeling pain

Feeling small

Compared to the size of the



The throbbing

Cracked down the middle

A whole no longer

Shock of the



Monday, November 23, 2009

My First Poem

So I'm sitting here,
Just thinking and pondering
About my first poem.

Wow I just wrote one!
Accidental creation!
In perfect format!

Again and Again,
Poems spurting out of me,
And now, I am done.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Pasta

Today I came home
Met up with Daniel Mor
I taught him how to...

...cook tortellini.
He was very, very bad
The pot exploded

The pot went kaboom
There was pasta on the wall
Such a waste of food.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Series of Pippin Haikus

rehearsal kills me.
the early days and late nights,
will they pay off soon?

get into the box!
it's time for the finale.
think about the sun...

rivers and eagles,
Pippin's corner of the sky.

Catherine has a son.
she guesses she'll miss the man.
my kind of woman!

Berthe's simple joys,
feasting her belly and eyes,
she wears a beach frock.

Monday, November 16, 2009


The feeling of danger in

The forest as I walk along

The silence of rebels walking

The sounds of bees buzzing their way

The wind blow the tree’s

Leaf and the frogs croaking

The wind blows slowly and slowly

The sounds of animals walk among us.

The air so gray and smoky

The soldiers bright as yellow

And the rebels invisible

And Ready to fight

Fears in their mind

Sunday, November 1, 2009


A box of chocolates, a box of candies.

A rose, a tulip, a dandelion.

A nice sweater, a good pair of pants.

A ticket to a movie, an actual movie, or an old film projector.

A nicely drawn picture, a good photo.

A nice dinner, a homemade soup, filled with good and healthy foods.

But I think the best ones…

A smile, a laugh,

A hug, a warm embrace.

A good song, a sung song.

A grin, a look of adulation.

A look in the eye, and the words, “You’re Special to me”.

I think those are the best.