Thursday, October 8, 2009


bareBLOGkin is the new writers gallery for The old one was 12 years old and I thought it was time to try something different.

Only my students are able to contribute to this gallery, but anyone can read through and leave a comment if you like.

A few thoughts about submissions:

1) All writing must be original
2) Autobiographical poems, Shakespeare performance reflections, rhetorical analysis essays, and other entries from your Writer's Notebook are all welcome!
3) Feel free to leave a brief reflection on your piece in the form of a "WRITER'S STATEMENT."
4) Please sign your piece with your first name and the initial of your last name (ex. "- Jim D.")
5) Do not give your email address
6) Feel free to enhance your entry with a picture or photograph
7) This gallery is intended as a place for students to share writing that they're proud of. It's not an assignment and it doesn't receive a grade. It's merely an opportunity for students to distinguish themselves.

Check out my entry, a poem called Graffiti Artist, below.


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