Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Time Eternal

Sometimes (not often, but sometimes) I think about what's out there. Like, in outer space, as can be seen in the above image. I tried finding a scene from Wall-E, but I couldn't find it, so this will have to do. Sometimes I wonder what it's like out there. I'll see movies, I'll see pictures/art like this, and the rest are just thoughts and images my mind decides to create. But what's it really like?
Let's say I were to go to... that planet in the middle. Would it be a paradise, filled with lush green forests, and friendly natives to boot? Or would I be able to view a majestic panorama dominated by those fluffy white clouds, all the while plummeting towards the center of the planet due to the lack of solid ground? Or, would I find giant blue-skinned people three times my height, who, apparently, ride horses by linking their strange hair-things together?
That stuff's nice and all to daydream and think about, but one thing I always wondered is exactly how long those planet's have been out there. Every now and then in U.S. History class, I'll think, "Man, America was populated by the Europeans around the mid-15th century, or something. Europe's been populated over 1500 years before that." Not really sure why, but I think that that's pretty weird. I always feel that the USA is such a strong, influential nation, when it's not even a half as old almost every single other one we share Earth with. So, what about Earth? I mean, according to the speculation of Earth's scientists, Earth's pretty damn young. (I'm not going to bother looking this up, since I don't know exactly what to look for on google. Most of my searches turned up irrelevant information relative to what I'm looking for.)
Earth itself is several billion years old (approximately 4.5 billion, to be "exact"). To give you a rough idea, if I recall correctly from the Earth Science Reference Table, humans appeared around 1.1 million years ago. Rounded to the nearest million, that's 4.499 billion years of no humans. And, like I said before, Earth's young.
What do you think's out there? We've come this far in such a (relatively speaking) small amount of time. I don't know why, but I think that something enigmatic lies out there. So enigmatic, I'm going to describe it with multiple adjectives. Magical. Arcane. Majestic. Grand. Magnificent. Let's shy away from that morbid and creepy Aliens vs. Predator stuff.
Death of A Salesman
Unrequited Love
Pains of love be sweeter far
Than any other pleasures are.
Love is sometimes denied,
Sometimes lost,
Sometimes unrecognized,
But in the end,
Always found with no regrets,
Forever valued and kept treasured.
The most painful love there is,
Is the love left unshown,
A love that cannot be expressed,
Affection left unknown,
The love that withholds touching,
Afraid of what it would say,
And the most painful thing about unexpressed love is…
It never fades away.
Love does not die easily.
It is a living thing,
It thrives in the face of all life’s hazards,
Save one-neglect.
What we have once enjoyed,
We can never lose.
All that we lose deeply becomes a part of us.
What is life,
When wanting love?
Night without a morning:
Love’s the cloudless summer sun,
Nature gay adorning.
Women still remember the first kiss,
After men have forgotten the last.
A man snatches the first kiss,
Pleads for the second, demands the third,
Takes the fourth, accepts the fifth,
And endures all the rest.
Kisses kisses kept are wasted;
Love is to be tasted.
There are some you love, I know;
Be not loathe to tell them so.
Lips go dry and eyes grow wet,
Waiting to be warmly met.
Keep them not waiting yet;
Kisses kept are wasted.
These are some quotes that I found that I really liked. So what I did was that I put the quotes all together to make them into one big poem.
What to do...?
... Well, I'm back! The entry was quite of an interest from the beginning and to the end. Because I spent more than two minutes reading it, my eyes have closed and am beginning to unconsciously scroll my mouse towards the sign out link and thus end this narration of my thoughts. Dear this posting page, I say farewell.
Dana Levine's--Write Now.
By Jenny perez smile
and realize I live an incredibly blessed life
smile because life is too short to be pissed off all the time.
Everyday I get to be surrounded by good people who make my life a better place.
If you have positive people in your life and you think positive,
no matter the gain you exclude the negative. You should be happy and smile. It's simple.
Summer Haiku
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I Wish
I _pologiz_ for _ny b_d gr_mm_r
For my blog post, I’m going to try to write only with the following vowels: E I O (Y). It is will need lots of time to finish, however, it won’t be terrible. The worst thing is simply missing methods of writing down specific words. This will yield some odd, weird to listen to lines. If I need to write the word for “the red edible object with one stem, which grows on trees”, I need to write things like the one recently seen by someone who might be looking in the direction of this writing. Nonetheless, I know this is something I will enjoy doing (possibly not). However, I did write this over three periods of ninety-ten seconds nonstop. I might simply be writing slow (or not); either possibility, I find this is needing lots of time. So, this will be stopped right here.
(This is actually really time consuming (or maybe it's just me).)
its what I count down till.
is what i hear among my best friends.
is how my skin feels when the sun beats down on it.
is what i sit on at the beach.
flip flops
are what i wear everyday.
is what i will be.
is how the summer makes me feel.
3 haiku
but not till the very very end
i know u know end
The red light goes on
gloves and sticks thrown int he air
Stanley cup is mine
did you see that save?
diving along the goal line
HELL YEAH, what a save
school week
A True Friend
It's White
It's got everything I need
It's shiny
It's white
It's got all the speed
It's new
It's great
It's an iPhone
It’s 9:30 on Saturday
The ground still wet from morning dew
It’s now time to play
this game we call football, we are a lucky few
Not everyone is blessed to play the game
Some are sick, hurt, or forbidden by mom,
I am so lucky, I have no shame
Te ref flips his coin, and it lands in his palm
“Rebels, you have won
do you want the ball”?
“No we differ” this will be fun
Defense first, it’s always a brawl
The harder we hit, the harder they fall
Hopefully we win, and we can stand tall
Junior Year: A Poem
The Demons
Good luck on avoiding the demons; they're EVERYWHERE.
Noises Off-Right Before Thursday Night
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Perfect Strawberry
The perfect strawberry
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Facebook O Facebook
My Grandma's Funeral 2/20/06
Word Poem
List of My Senior Year Classes!!
The End is Very Near
The leaves have emerged, the skies are finally clear.
But no matter how nice the weather is, the end is very near.
Summer is here, the time of year has got me feeling blue.
The ground is scorched, and heat waves ensue.
Graduation is your big day, I'm going to miss you.
Fall is here again, the spring leaves have blown out of town.
Why did you go? Since you left I've been down.
So until you come back I'm going to be wearing this frown.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sunday Night Blues
Going Green
Two simple words
difficult challenge,
bigger meaning.
Saving our planet,
Saving our breaths.
Coming together
neighbors and friends,
set on one goal.
Keeping the beauty,
keeping the peace.
This land that is
slipping away.
Putting an end to
the habits we have.
Putting an end to
destroying nature.
Starting a new beginning.
Arms interlocked,
smiling wide.
Neighbors and friends
Going Green.