- Constantine - A sketch based on a Langston Hughes poem
- Amanda - A bucket list
- Edward - Sloth: a poem
- Frankie - A Quick Write
- Heather - Cover Up Make Up: a poem
- Maya - Some alliterations...
- Caroline - Black Rose With Only One Red Petal: a poem
- Maxine - Thanksgiving: a poem
- Michelle - Q&A Poem
- Alex - A List of What's on My Bedroom Floor
- Danni - Holidays: a poem
- Dana - A List of Favorite Commercial Slogans
- Jamie - A List of Things That Stress Me Out
- Jenny - A List of Places I Want To Go
- Kevin - Just An Entry. Nothing Special.
- Rebecca - A Reflection on an Inspirational Quote
- Diana - What Relaxes Me: a reflection
- Elijah - A List of Things I Love
- Evan - A Reflection on a Langston Hughes Poem
- Jon Y. - In the Back: a poem
- Chris - A List of Food I Love to Eat
- Samantha N. - A Story of Tyler (using alliteration)
- Lisa - Untitled: a poem
- Tallayeh - What I've Done in Wood Shop
- Daniel - A poem about my family
- Allison - Volleyball: a poem
- Atissa - A List of Things I Want to Do in Other Countries
- Brad - A List of Favorite Foods
- Keaton - A timely puzzle...
- Josh - The Penguin: a story
- Gil - The Hawaii State Quarter: a reflection
- Matt - A Rant on Driver's Ed
- A.J. - A Reflection on Jersey Shore
- Erik - Christmas Tree Sketches that Get Me in the Holiday Mood
- Billy - A poem on the tragedy in Haiti
- Angela - A few thoughts about seeing the movie Bruno
- Molly - A List of Things I Dislike (Sorry, Josh...)
- Denise - A Relationship: a poem