Summer vacation is already halfway over and I’m already sad. I still have half of my summer homework to do and am currently ignoring it. When I look back to this summer vacation, I’m going to remember horrible times. Nothing FUN and EXCITING has happened this summer. What a poo. Yes…I just called this summer vacation poo.
The two most recent events all circle around my mom.
I mean, the one time that I am trying to be helpful by following my mom to the MSR to keep her company, I just waste a lot of time and get very very wet. We were there from before seven in the morning to past six in the evening. !!! I had to continuously go to the car to change the meter ticket because the maximum time limit for one ticket is 3 hours and then I kept on running out of quarters so I had to find some store willing to exchange my dollars. And the worst part is that it rained…HARD…and I had no umbrella. The highlight of that day was that I got to try out the Paris Baguette bakery (in flushing) and I finally got to try a crepe (but I had to wait about an hour for this one and the worker there yelled at me and got very angry when I tried to take a picture of one of the displays...but I did take pictures...kekeke). I ordered a crepe with Nutella, strawberries, chocolate ice cream and whipped cream. I felt like throwing up in the end....and almost did...but it was worth it!
This is the display for two different crepes. The one on the top has strawberries, nutella, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. The bottom one has whipped cream and oranges.
Then yesterday, my mom took me to the beach, but the description words from her mouth and the actual thing was very different.
I’ll post up pictures of course but to describe the beach in few words as possible…sweltering hot, seaweed infested, rocky sand, and horse flies. The only good part was that I got to play Mario Party 5(?) on x-box and was in first place (but I had to leave before the end).
This is a picture of the rocky sand.
No matter how much bug spray I used…I still got bitten by mosquitoes! Right on my neck too! It looks like a person bit me………so ITCHY!
Anyways, that’s my “two events that happened that’s worth mentioning” post.
Well, as to my title for this entry, I’m going to post up another recipe I tried just last week. It’s not my most recent baking attempt, but it’s the one that I took some type of picture of so I’ll post it. This recipe is actually from the Hershey’s website. My mom is getting really angry about me baking, so I’m trying to use up all my ingredients as fast as possible before they go bad.
My friend was over so she did the mixing and I did the dishes and measuring. We ma
de Chocolate chip bars. It was very yummy and the actual recipe is for cookies but it was easier to just pour the batter, spread it out a bit and bake it rather than scooping out mounds for cookies.
So, it was successful and rather yummy. We used three different types of chocolate chips (dark, white, and semi-sweet) instead of just semi-sweet chocolate chips. YUM!